Welcome to the English pages of Jan-Kees de Meester's photographic website. There is still some work to be done here, but if you would like to stay tuned to the English language please just ignore the top menu and use the other links presented.
Photographer Jan-Kees de Meester is not to be mistaken for a newby. For decades he has proved himself to be a master in capturing moments. Regardless, he is still quite unknown to the greater audience and there is a reason for that.
Military Years
The greater part of his career Jan-Kees de Meester has spent anonymously within the Dutch Defence forces, envisioning told and untold stories. During his deployments as a combat photographer he produced highly praised Defence credited images. The most of his unrestricted military photography stands out in acknowledging the human being in a wide spectrum of scenes.
Made in Zeeland
Nowadays, Jan-Kees finds solace in his beloved Zeeland, the rural Dutch region where he was born and raised. Photographing in this ancient delta landscape, he doesn't confine himself solely to soothing landscapes, as it is his personal creed that a story needs to be told from different perspectives. Landscape, portrait, action and detail photography are all skills he has mastered and he highly regards.
None of the above
De Meester's work is not simply defined by only the military and Zeeland. Much of his work finds its origin elswhere. Moreover, he just doesn't comfortably stick to just one genre. Portrait, art, documentary or product photography, in the studio or on location, it is all part of his reportoire of disciplines.
Find more photos on the Dutch pages
These English pages only show a part of De Meester's portfolio. You can find more on the Dutch pages. Ready to go Dutch? Just keep on clicking on and discover even more categories and images. Ignore the Dutch words, here it is all about images!
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